Dunedin Brick Show
By Staff | Posted: Monday September 16, 2024
The Brick Show is back! Scheduled for October 5th & 6th at the Edgar Centre.
There is less than three weeks until the fabulous Dunedin Brick Show which is being held at the More FM Arena on October 5th and 6th. The show is a highlight for so many families around Otago. There will be a fantastic LEGO exhibition, LEGO building, LEGO car racing and flower making in our interactive garden, plus entertainers for the kids to enjoy. Proceeds from the show will be supporting Rock Solid, a charity providing positive youth mentoring and youth development programmes.
Please find attached a copy of our show colouring competition, a poster about the building competition for young ones, as well as a show poster.
We encourage all schools to get involved with our animation competition. If your school has created some animations we have extended the submission date until the last day of the school term. Information attached.
Ngā mihi nui,
Jacqu Hay
LEGO Users Group President