Te Reo Māori Noho Kura
By Antonia Mbizvo | Posted: Friday February 15, 2019
Tīhei mauri ora!
Our Years 10, 11 and 12 Te Reo Māori students have set off into the year of learning with whakawhanaunga and kotahitanga thanks to our Noho Kura held last week Wednesday.
In the afternoon sun, the tuakana taught the teina tapawae and tī uru on the school turf, followed by a shared kai in the food technology room and down time in the school library. Overnight in our comfortable library, some slept more than others, but over both days, the wairua of the group was flowing and positive.
Ngā mihi ki ngā mātua mō tō koutou tautoko i te kaupapa. Ngā mihi ki a Mrs Kerr-Bell mō te hāpai pukumahi mō mātou katoa. Kia kaha tonu tātou mō te tau i mua i a tātou. Karawhiua!