By Anna Louw-Young | Posted: Wednesday November 27, 2019
Thank you to those who have paid any outstanding costs for this year.
Now that we are approaching the end of the school year, we would like to remind those that have yet to pay sporting subs, camps and other related costs to please do so.
There is still a significant number of unpaid fees owing to the college. It costs the school a lot of money to run these activities, and if these fees are not paid, it will limit our ability to continue to provide some of these experiences to our students.
We have a number of families that pay a direct credit on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis. If you would like to consider this option the school bank account details are:
Kavanagh College
06 0901 0107876 00
Ref: your child's name
Our Edge App makes it possible for you to monitor fees and make payments. If you have not downloaded this App yet, please do so at your earliest convenience. The App also has many more advantages such as viewing your child's Timetable, Attendance, Record of Learning (reports) and Notifications.
Please contact the Bursar's office if there are any issues preventing you from paying your account. Final Statements for the year, for those with outstanding debts, will be issued within the next week.