Special Character Reflection

By Maliza and Pippa | Posted: Wednesday August 24, 2022

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”, - Jeremiah 29:11.

Good Morning everyone and a happy Thursday!

Today the year 13s are dressing up as their future career and we pray that they are guided and kept safe on their new journey outside Kavanagh College. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of workers however he is also the patron saint of the Catholic diocese as well as the whole Catholic church. 

Let us pray,

St Joseph, by the work of your hands and the sweat of your brow, you supported Jesus and Mary, and had the Son of God as your fellow worker.

Teach me to work as you did, with patience and perseverance, for God and for those whom God has given me to support.

Teach me to see in my fellow workers the Christ who desires to be in them, that I may always be charitable and forbearing towards all.


Have a wonderful rest of your day and goodluck to everyone who is attending formal tomorrow!! Have fun and always love one another, God bless,

Your Special Character Prefects, Pippa and Maliza.