Trinity Day

By Amelia Bresanello | Posted: Wednesday May 24, 2023

We will celebrate our inaugural Trinity Day tomorrow, Friday 2 June (the Friday before Trinity Sunday)

Trinity Day is when the whole school gathers together to celebrate  our unity and our diversity.

Students are able to wear house colours to school. Students will need to be in tidy house colours for Mass but can accessorise after Mass is finished.

It is a normal school day, however, no classes are held. Instead, the following programme operates:

8.15 - 8.50am: Yr 13s will be greeting all students


8.50 - 9.35am:   House Meetings. ALL students to House meeting venues. (Roll to be taken by teachers in their houses)

9.45am:   House Mass 

10:30am: Interval

11:00am:   Activities begin.  Students rotate around the following activities - Relay, Gala, Dodgeball, E-Sports, Scavenger Hunt

1:30pm: Lunch.  There will be a sausage sizzle at $2 a sausage and a variety of food trucks available.

2.00pm:  Gather in Gym for Haka and Chant (Staff to do roll in Gym)

3:00pm:  Dismissal

► Tidy mufti in appropriate House colours to be worn to Mass

► No face paint or hair dye

► No water guns or bombs

► Everybody must attend and participate–no-one has permission to stay away

► Only Year 13 may leave the property but only during lunchtime

► All students to be at school by 8.50am

► The canteen will be closed

► The day will proceed whatever the weather

The day is organised by the Head Students and House Leaders in conjunction with staff with the intention of the whole school interacting in a fun atmosphere. We hope that all students enter in on the fun and have an enjoyable day.