English as a Second Language
Why learn English as a Second Language? Because English is everywhere!
At Trinity we teach English as a Second Language to students from all over the world. You may be a student who came to NZ specifically to learn English, or maybe you are a local and your family speaks another language at home. We teach our students to communicate actively and confidently in English so that speaking, listening, writing and reading improve.
Our courses are all built on the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP). We offer NCEA Unit Standards at Levels 2-3 to all ESL senior students; these may be viewed through the ESL Course Outline. We can also prepare students for TOIEC and IELTS international exams, to be used for entry to universities worldwide (in personalised programs as requested).
Because our classes are small, you will have the flexibility to learn about what you need the most. At the same time, you will develop the valuable skills essential for success in both NZ mainstream subjects, and in your life outside of school.